
Click here for Jenks Policies and Procedures

Recess Behavioral Expectations

We have an organized lunch recess in which students may participate in various activities. Students who do not wish to participate in the activities are asked to stay in the area designated for non-participants. Students who are disruptive during lunch or recess will receive lunch detention. Students who receive lunch detention will report to the detention area during lunchtime. Please review with your child the code of conduct and expectations of appropriate behavior.

•  Respect the rights and property of others.
•  All children will eat in assigned areas.
•  Talk quietly.
•  Follow all directions.
•  All children will wait to be excused by the person(s) on duty.
•  For health and safety reasons, keep all food and paper items to yourself.
•  Throwing of food will not be tolerated.
*  All litter will be placed in trash cans.
•  All children will stay at their designated playground area.
•  Use of appropriate language and gestures.
•  Fighting or rough play are not permitted.
•  Listening to and obeying playground supervisors immediately is required and expected.
•  Obeying rules of safety in games and in the use of playground equipment is mandatory.

Students who violate the code of conduct and expectations of appropriate behavior will be immediately placed in the timeout area. A behavior report will be sent home to inform parents of their child’s inappropriate behaviors. Parents will be asked to sign and return the incident report to confirm that they received the report.

Repeated violations will result in a behavior referral to the office and will result in increased consequences, and behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct may result in the parent/guardian being asked to come to take your child home for the remainder of the day or the length of a suspension.

Some examples of disruptive student behaviors, which will be considered a violation of the code of conduct, are:

•  Destruction of property.
•  Inappropriate, threatening, or offensive language or mannerisms.
•  Fighting.
•  Verbal or physical abuse of students or adults.
•  Behavior that causes or reasonably could cause physical harm to students or adults.
•  Possession or use of any weapon or looks like a weapon.
•  Any other form of misbehavior which disrupts school or which is detrimental to the school environment.